By Administrator on September 10, 2021

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New User Installation:

Tracking Phone installation

Step 1:

The tracking login details are:

a) Register as a new user

user: your email address

password: enter your password

b) login to the application

c) login to the application - select the top left hand corner - it has a "+" sign to add a device (your phone application)

Device - add your name and a 6 digit number (must be unique)

d) press save

Step 2:

Phone installation (Android / iPhone / Tablet):

go to the app store and install the application Traccar Client

when you open the application, enter the following:

Service Status = On (green)

Device identifier = (the unique 6 digit number you entered)

Server URL -

Location Accuracy = high

Frequency = 100 (in seconds)

Distance = 100 (in meters)

Angle = 45 (in degrees)

Offline buffering = On (green)

Step 3:

Configure your Account

a) Select the top left menu for your account settings

b) Select "Account" from the drop down menu

c) Select Map Layer - Custom XYZ (Google Maps) - you can pick another map layer if you want - Open Maps

d) press "save"

e) You should be able to see your location live on the screen when you select "your device" on the top left side of the screen


You can turn off the tracking by setting the Service Status = Off

Step 4

Monitoring YOUR Devices

Phone installation (Android / iPhone / Tablet):

go to the app store and install the application Traccar Manager

when you open the application, enter the following:

Server URL -

a) enter your user information

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Info about the Tracking Application

1) Q: where is the data stored ?

answer: ALL data is stored on the "tracking systems server application" in Australia (Sydney)

2) Q: is the tracking information shared to 3rd parties or any other parties

answer: ALL data is confidential, and is NOT shared and is NOT accessible by 3rd parties. The data is accessible by the user / account login details.

3) Q: can the real-time location information be shared with other people

answer: the real-time location data for your account can be shared with multiple people, using your account details

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